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v0.5.1 - 2022-06-26


  • missing messages, comments when using .NET style API. #21

v0.5.0 - 2022-06-01


  • compatibility with pwsh v7
  • function ConvertTo-AnyBoxPrompts, for building AnyBox prompts from function parameters
  • parameter -PromptsFromFunc / -PromptsFromScriptblock for displaying AnyBox of prompts for given function / scriptblock.
  • more examples and an interactive test
  • aliases:
    • anybox = Show-AnyBox
    • -i = -Icon
    • -t = -Title
    • -m = -Messages
    • -c = -Comments
    • -b = -Buttons
    • -p = -Prompts
    • -d = -GridData
    • -f = -PromptsFromFunc
    • -pb = -ProgressBar
    • -bg = -BackgroundColor
    • -fg = -FontColor
    • -sec = -Timeout
    • -count = -Countdown

v0.4.0 - 2019-06-11


  • Added ability to show indeterminate progress bar with switch parameter -ProgressBar.
  • Added ability to show window only while a condition is $true with scriptblock parameter -While.
    • Requires the ThreadJob module.
  • Added -WindowStartupLocation parameter to open window in a predefined location.
  • When a path is provided as the default value for prompts of type FileOpen, FileSave, or FolderOpen, the dialog opens to the parent directory of the provided path.


  • Fixed ability to display a base64-encoded image passed to the -Image parameter.
  • Fixed selection return when -SelectionMode is SingleCell.

v0.3.4 - 2019-03-08


  • Added AnyBox.AnyBox class to provide a new interface for building AnyBox forms, as opposed to just function calls.


  • Updated example app, Process_Killer, to use the new class interface.
  • Resolved issue #8.

v0.3.3 - 2018-09-25


  • Removed all default buttons presented along with GridData; these buttons can be recreated by providing either "SaveGrid" or "ExploreGrid" to the new -Template parameter New-AnyBoxButton.
  • Removed -ShowCopyButton from Show-AnyBox, as it is now done like so: $b = New-AnyBoxButton -Template CopyMessage; Show-AnyBox -Message 'CopyMe' -Buttons $b.


  • Fixed bug in DefaultValue when used with ValidateSet and a combo box (Issue #3).
  • The special function Test-ValidInput used to show an error, if applicable, then return $true or $false. Now, Test-ValidInput will only return an object with properties IsValid and Message. IsValid contains $true or $false, while Message contains a friendly message to show the user. Now, developers can handle invalid input differently if desired.
  • Renamed -HideGridSearch parameter to -NoGridSearch for consistency, but it is aliased to the old name for compatibility.
  • Added 'Save' button to Process Killer example.
  • The helper function ConvertTo-Base64 has been renamed to ConvertFrom-ImageFile (#7, thanks Tonic8).


  • Added -ToolTip parameter to New-AnyBoxButton.
  • Added FolderOpen input type to New-AnyBoxPrompt; Inspired by @kalivodv.
  • Added -Collapsed parameter to New-AnyBoxPrompt.
  • Added -CollapsedGroups parameter to Show-AnyBox.

v0.3.2 - 2018-09-04


  • Module restructuring; huge thanks to @Chirishman! Hopefully this helps with #7.

v0.3.1 - 2018-08-05


  • Minor bugfixes (issue #2)
  • Corrections to examples.

v0.3.0 - 2018-03-04


Added New-ABPrompt as an alias for New-AnyBoxPrompt. New parameters include:

  • -Tab: show prompts in a tab control view.
  • -Group: group prompts in a group box.
  • -FontSize, -FontFamily, -FontColor, -Alignment: allows the ability to have prompts of different sizes, colors, etc.
  • -SetDisplay: controls how a set (specified by -ValidateSet is displayed). The default is a dropdown (combo) box, but users can specify 'Radio' or 'Radio_Wide'.
  • -RadioGroup: When -SetDisplay is one of 'Radio' or 'Radio_Wide', each set of options in -ValidateSet is in one group. Use -RadioGroup to designate the group to which a set of radio buttons belongs.
  • -Separate: When specified, a horizontal line is shown beneath the prompt.
  • -Collapsible: When specified, the prompt is shown within a collapsible expander control.

New parameters for Show-AnyBox include:

  • -MaxHeight, -MaxWidth: used to control the maximum size of the window.
  • -CollapsibleGroups: if specified and prompt group(s) are specified, the groups are placed in a collapsible expander control, rather than a group box.
  • -AccentColor: controls the color of lines in group boxes, expander boxes, and separator lines.
  • -InitScript: accepts a script block to run before the window is shown.

New function New-AnyBoxButton (alias New-ABButton) to wrap around the new object type AnyBox.Button. Parameters for this function include:

  • -Name: the unique key name for the button.
  • -Text: the text to display on the button. If -Name is not specified, the value for -Text serves as the key.
  • -IsCancel: designates the button to serve as the cancel button.
  • -IsDefault: designates the button to serve as the default button.
  • -OnClick: accepts a script block to run when the button is clicked.


  • -ContentAlignment now defaults to 'Left'.
  • -FontSize now defaults to '12'.

v0.2.1 - 2018-03-12


  • Extended AnyBox.Prompt class to include Name property to use as an identifier in the output (defaults to "Input_#").
  • Added -Name parameter to the AnyBox.Prompt wrapper function New-AnyBoxPrompt.

v0.2 - 2018-03-11


  • New-AnyBoxPrompt function wrapper around the AnyBox.Prompt class. It includes a new parameter, -MessagePosition, which specifies whether to print the prompt message above or beside the input control (default='Top').
  • When -GridData is provided, DataGrid now fills all available space when window is resized.
  • -GridAsList parameter as a shortcut for ConvertTo-Long.


  • Checkbox prompts were being initialized with string 'False' instead of boolean False

v0.1 - 2018-03-06

  • Initial release